
  • 剧情
  • 共880集  |  每集 45分钟
  • The original story begins by introducing a handsom…The original story begins by introducing a handsome 22 year old Danijel Loncar (Zoran Pribicevic) coming home to Zagreb, on his 22nd birthday, after losing his job in Italy. At the railway station, he bumps into a beautiful girl. They both feel immediate attraction. Danijel doesn’t even get the chance to ask for her name as they are met by their friends and family.The girl is Petra Novak (Anita Berisha) who also returned home, after studying photography in London, funny enough, on a present day she also celebrates her 22nd birthday.It soon transpires that Danijel and Petra were twins separated at birth. Danijel had initially been raised by the wise Nada Horvat (Nada Rocco) before returning to his father Josip Loncar (Drazen Mikulic), and Petra raised by her mother Viktorija Novak (Sanja Vejnovic) who had married into money to a rich aristocrate widower Stjepan Novak (Velimir Cokljat).The parents of the twins had each married other people and raised families which had other adult children. The Loncar family comprised Danijel's father Josip Loncar, a construction worker; and Josip's wife Biserka Loncar (Vanja Matujec), a warm-hearted, down-to-earth housewife. Their children were Iva Loncar (Marija Kobic) and Matija (Filip Riđicki), Iva had just started a romantic involvement with Igor Carevic (Dejan Marcikic) and Matija started seeing his class member Lana Kos (Petra Kurtela). Petra had grown up with her mother Viktorija (Sanja Vejnovic), Viktorija's husband Stjepan who was a successful wineyard owner and businessman, and Stjepan's son from an earlier marriage, the spiteful Borna Novak (Mario Valentic).After Danijel's investigation into Petra's whereabouts, he slowly enters the world of the powerful Novak family by landing a job as a gardner, not knowing he is working for his biological mother, nor that he has fallen in love with his own sister.Other major characters include Lidija Bauer (Katja Zupcic) who has always had strong feelings for Stjepan, but who stepped away out of respect towards the family and her children. Lidija has two children of her own: the spoiled and stubborn Tina Bauer (Antonija Sola)and the good-natured medical student Leon Bauer (Mario Mohenski) later (Marin Knezevic), who was betrothed to Petra at Viktorija's instigation only for the wedding to be cancelled after a revelation about his homosexuality. Viktorija's best friend, the dizzy socialite Stela Vidak (Matija Prskalo), was introduced as a minor figure during the show's early days as someone to whom Viktorija could recite expository dialogue about her latest scheme to, but soon emerged as a key character. Later she had a love affair with Danijel Loncar. Antonija Å ola (born June 5, 1979) is a Croatian actress and singer. ...After the truth about Danijel and Petra was revealed, Viktorija cleared all the bank accounts from her fashion label firm V-style as well as her husbands and fled overnight, leaving the family on the verge of bancruptcy.The family was in shock and Viktorija's disappearance opened the doors for the new arrival, Stjepan's wife, Karolina Novak (Vesna Tominac - Matacic), formerly presumed dead. It didn't take long for Karolina to explain her whereabouts for the last 20 years and to win back the hearts of everyone in the family, except Petra's who could see deeper trough Karolina's gentle and warm exterior. Will Petra be able to expose Karolina to her family, for the devious, evil bitch she really is.Petra discovers that it was Karolina who visited Viktorija on the night of her disappearance and accuses her of driving her mother away. Karolina admits the visit, but doesn't count on a small detail - Viktorija's body was found, buried in the family wineyard.Future storylines explored the romantic entanglements of the various characters, various instances of family instability linked to the breakdowns of both Josip's and Viktorija's marriages after they tried to renew their love affair, and the big-business intrigue surrounding Stjepan's company. The series also widened its focus by introducing one more family, The Fijan's. Biserka's devious brother who emigrated to Argentina years ago, Zlatko Fijan (Mirsad Tuka) who will become Stjepan's biggest rival and his daughter Ana Fijan(Jelena Percin) later introducing the mother Gabrijela Fijan (Barbara Vickovic)who was institutionalised back in Argentina as pressumed crazy. After a slow start Zabranjena ljubav became highly successful show and is looking forward to more years on the air and many of the cast became big television stars through their roles in the show.





百度影音 网友:该部电视剧讲述了The original story begins by introducing a handsome 22 year old Danijel Loncar (Zoran Pribicevic) coming home to Zagreb, on his 22nd birthday, after losing his job in Italy. At the railway station, he bumps into a beautiful girl. They both feel immediate attraction. Danijel doesn’t even get the chance to ask for her name as they are met by their friends and family.The girl is Petra Novak (Anita Berisha) who also returned home, after studying photography in London, funny enough, on a present day she also celebrates her 22nd birthday.It soon transpires that Danijel and Petra were twins separated at birth. Danijel had initially been raised by the wise Nada Horvat (Nada Rocco) before returning to his father Josip Loncar (Drazen Mikulic), and Petra raised by her mother Viktorija Novak (Sanja Vejnovic) who had married into money to a rich aristocrate widower Stjepan Novak (Velimir Cokljat).The parents of the twins had each married other people and raised families which had other adult children. The Loncar family comprised Danijel's father Josip Loncar, a construction worker; and Josip's wife Biserka Loncar (Vanja Matujec), a warm-hearted, down-to-earth housewife. Their children were Iva Loncar (Marija Kobic) and Matija (Filip Riđicki), Iva had just started a romantic involvement with Igor Carevic (Dejan Marcikic) and Matija started seeing his class member Lana Kos (Petra Kurtela). Petra had grown up with her mother Viktorija (Sanja Vejnovic), Viktorija's husband Stjepan who was a successful wineyard owner and businessman, and Stjepan's son from an earlier marriage, the spiteful Borna Novak (Mario Valentic).After Danijel's investigation into Petra's whereabouts, he slowly enters the world of the powerful Novak family by landing a job as a gardner, not knowing he is working for his biological mother, nor that he has fallen in love with his own sister.Other major characters include Lidija Bauer (Katja Zupcic) who has always had strong feelings for Stjepan, but who stepped away out of respect towards the family and her children. Lidija has two children of her own: the spoiled and stubborn Tina Bauer (Antonija Sola)and the good-natured medical student Leon Bauer (Mario Mohenski) later (Marin Knezevic), who was betrothed to Petra at Viktorija's instigation only for the wedding to be cancelled after a revelation about his homosexuality. Viktorija's best friend, the dizzy socialite Stela Vidak (Matija Prskalo), was introduced as a minor figure during the show's early days as someone to whom Viktorija could recite expository dialogue about her latest scheme to, but soon emerged as a key character. Later she had a love affair with Danijel Loncar. Antonija Å ola (born June 5, 1979) is a Croatian actress and singer. ...After the truth about Danijel and Petra was revealed, Viktorija cleared all the bank accounts from her fashion label firm V-style as well as her husbands and fled overnight, leaving the family on the verge of bancruptcy.The family was in shock and Viktorija's disappearance opened the doors for the new arrival, Stjepan's wife, Karolina Novak (Vesna Tominac - Matacic), formerly presumed dead. It didn't take long for Karolina to explain her whereabouts for the last 20 years and to win back the hearts of everyone in the family, except Petra's who could see deeper trough Karolina's gentle and warm exterior. Will Petra be able to expose Karolina to her family, for the devious, evil bitch she really is.Petra discovers that it was Karolina who visited Viktorija on the night of her disappearance and accuses her of driving her mother away. Karolina admits the visit, but doesn't count on a small detail - Viktorija's body was found, buried in the family wineyard.Future storylines explored the romantic entanglements of the various characters, various instances of family instability linked to the breakdowns of both Josip's and Viktorija's marriages after they tried to renew their love affair, and the big-business intrigue surrounding Stjepan's company. The series also widened its focus by introducing one more family, The Fijan's. Biserka's devious brother who emigrated to Argentina years ago, Zlatko Fijan (Mirsad Tuka) who will become Stjepan's biggest rival and his daughter Ana Fijan(Jelena Percin) later introducing the mother Gabrijela Fijan (Barbara Vickovic)who was institutionalised back in Argentina as pressumed crazy. After a slow start Zabranjena ljubav became highly successful show and is looking forward to more years on the air and many of the cast became big television stars through their roles in the show.


西瓜影音 网友:


光棍影院 网友:上映播出时间2004!


百度云资源 网友: 共880集  |  每集 45分钟


万能影视 网友: 神马影视手机版 手机电影网80s 16影视手机版


青苹果影院 网友:请直接在 腾讯视频 华安影院 爱奇艺 优酷视频 搜索栏输入影片名称,点击搜索后将会出现与《禁忌的爱》相关的所有信息,您也可以知道是否需要开通会员了。


豆瓣电影 丨Ms.Kay评论:《禁忌的爱》居然是35mm胶片拍摄,喜欢。个人感觉比数码高清电视画面质感还要好。

新浪娱乐点评 丨网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书比小说更高基于虚拟与幻想回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子。

大众点评 丨春夏秋冬评论:一直是热爱看其他剧写影评的人,却在大学以后久久不再提笔。可能是因为工作的忙碌,家庭的牵绊,还有世俗了的心。但是这都不影响我和我的另一半每周都会选择一部好片欣赏的好习惯。

丢豆网 丨网友评论:导演的作品,有欢笑、有泪水、有喜悦、有悲伤...,虚拟世界中的感情是多彩的,并不同于我们现实中不爽就一直玩的感觉,虚拟感情的交错,当看完之后会觉得更加舒畅。

mtime时光网 丨一梦春秋评论:《禁忌的爱》不同于其他作品,没有紧迫感、虚浮的情节及杂乱的画面,却在不断教导我们,不像老师家长苦口婆心语重心长的教诲(为遵重在这里我省略掉啰嗦这词)。我们看电影电视剧亦或综艺动漫逗号,往往是融入进去,在不知不觉中去了解这些似乎不容易被我们所发现、所理解的道理。再说近一点,看视频时设身处地会发现这是现实中更近教导的教导!

猫眼电影 丨网友评论:今天又把禁忌的爱这个其他剧看了一遍,感慨良多。


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