
  • 剧情 战争
  • Carla Egerer Mascha Rabben Magdalena Montezuma
  • 65分钟
  • Carla (Carla Aulaulu), Mascha (Mascha Elm-Rabben),…Carla (Carla Aulaulu), Mascha (Mascha Elm-Rabben), and Magdalena Munn (Magdalena Montezuma).[40] They perform as second-rate cabaret singers during the Nazi era, forced to disband when Carla takes a job with a Viennese theatre and Mascha has a nervous breakdown. Pilot haphazardly (and without much clarity) follows their individual activities; instead of depicting Carla's "show," for instance, we see her singing its main song while apparently working in a Viennese pastry shop. Magdalena attempts to find work for Mascha by posing as her aunt and appealing to a Nazi official; later Mascha rescues Magdalena from drowning herself. The two eventually find jobs as secretaries, after brief stints as "creative artists." Magdalena's voice-over then informs us that all three women meet again after the war at a Bruckner concert. They begin discussions about regrouping to go to the United States, this time as reformers rather than performers, to preach integration (apparently we are now in the late 1960s, the time of the film's production). Carla, nostalgic for their earlier Nazi stage career, is hard to persuade, but eventually they leave for the United States. Their rapid downfall as teachers there results from the publication of a Nazi-era photo of them; added to this is the controversy of Mascha's undepicted liaison with an American bomber pilot. We are told there is a trial (also undepicted), and the three go back to Germany where they perform for American troops. Carla has a miscarriage from the bomber pilot and suffers badly. The final image shows Magdalena supporting Carla as she walks around weakly in front of the same building we saw in the film's opening shot.





百度影音 网友:该部电视剧讲述了Carla (Carla Aulaulu), Mascha (Mascha Elm-Rabben), and Magdalena Munn (Magdalena Montezuma).[40] They perform as second-rate cabaret singers during the Nazi era, forced to disband when Carla takes a job with a Viennese theatre and Mascha has a nervous breakdown. Pilot haphazardly (and without much clarity) follows their individual activities; instead of depicting Carla's "show," for instance, we see her singing its main song while apparently working in a Viennese pastry shop. Magdalena attempts to find work for Mascha by posing as her aunt and appealing to a Nazi official; later Mascha rescues Magdalena from drowning herself. The two eventually find jobs as secretaries, after brief stints as "creative artists." Magdalena's voice-over then informs us that all three women meet again after the war at a Bruckner concert. They begin discussions about regrouping to go to the United States, this time as reformers rather than performers, to preach integration (apparently we are now in the late 1960s, the time of the film's production). Carla, nostalgic for their earlier Nazi stage career, is hard to persuade, but eventually they leave for the United States. Their rapid downfall as teachers there results from the publication of a Nazi-era photo of them; added to this is the controversy of Mascha's undepicted liaison with an American bomber pilot. We are told there is a trial (also undepicted), and the three go back to Germany where they perform for American troops. Carla has a miscarriage from the bomber pilot and suffers badly. The final image shows Magdalena supporting Carla as she walks around weakly in front of the same building we saw in the film's opening shot.


西瓜影音 网友:


光棍影院 网友:上映播出时间1970!


百度云资源 网友: 每集 65分钟


万能影视 网友: 神马影视手机版 手机电影网80s 16影视手机版


青苹果影院 网友:请直接在 腾讯视频 华安影院 爱奇艺 优酷视频 搜索栏输入影片名称,点击搜索后将会出现与《轰炸机飞行员》相关的所有信息,您也可以知道是否需要开通会员了。


豆瓣电影 丨Ms.Kay评论:《轰炸机飞行员》居然是35mm胶片拍摄,喜欢。个人感觉比数码高清电视画面质感还要好。

新浪娱乐点评 丨网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书比小说更高基于虚拟与幻想回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子。

大众点评 丨春夏秋冬评论:一直是热爱看剧情片写影评的人,却在大学以后久久不再提笔。可能是因为工作的忙碌,家庭的牵绊,还有世俗了的心。但是这都不影响我和我的另一半每周都会选择一部好片欣赏的好习惯。

丢豆网 丨网友评论:沃纳·施罗德,Werner,Schroeter导演的作品,有欢笑、有泪水、有喜悦、有悲伤...,虚拟世界中的感情是多彩的,并不同于我们现实中不爽就一直玩的感觉,虚拟感情的交错,当看完之后会觉得更加舒畅。

mtime时光网 丨一梦春秋评论:《轰炸机飞行员》不同于其他作品,没有紧迫感、虚浮的情节及杂乱的画面,却在不断教导我们,不像老师家长苦口婆心语重心长的教诲(为遵重在这里我省略掉啰嗦这词)。我们看电影电视剧亦或综艺动漫逗号,往往是融入进去,在不知不觉中去了解这些似乎不容易被我们所发现、所理解的道理。再说近一点,看视频时设身处地会发现这是现实中更近教导的教导!

猫眼电影 丨网友评论:今天又把轰炸机飞行员这个剧情片看了一遍,感慨良多。


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